Sociology in Switzerland
Georg Simmel Online
Simmel Texts in English Translation
How is Society Possible? (American Journal of Sociology, vol. 16, 1910-11)
A Chapter in the Philosophy of Value (American Journal of Sociology vol. 5, 1900)
Superiority and Subordination as Subject-matter of Sociology (American Journal of Sociology 2 1896: 167-189).
The Persistence of Social Groups (American Journal of Sociology 3 1897: 662-698).
The Number of Members as Determining the Sociological Form of the Group. (American Journal of Sociology 8 1902: 1-46).
The Sociology of Conflict: (American Journal of Sociology 9 1903) 490-525).
A Contribution to the Sociology of Religion" (American Journal of Sociology : 10 1904 359-376.)
The Metropolis and Mental Life (adapted by D. Weinstein from Kurt Wolff (Trans.) The Sociology of Georg Simmel. New York: Free Press, 1950, pp.409-424)
The Stranger (From Kurt Wolff (Trans.) The Sociology of Georg Simmel. New York: Free Press, 1950, pp. 402 - 408)
The Sociology of Secrecy and Secret Societies (American Journal of Sociology 11, 1906: 441-498.)
The Sociology of Money 1900 (ed. by David Frisby 2004 third ed.)
Prof. Hans Geser Soziologisches Institut der Universität Zürich Andreasstr. 15 8050 Zürich Tel. ++41 55 2444012