University of Zuerich
Sociology Institute of Zuerich
Prof. Dr. Hans Geser

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Online Full-Text Journals in Sociology and Related Fields

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Titel & Description

Anthropoetics The Journal of Generative Anthropology
Anthropoetics is dedicated to this rethinking both for its intrinsic importance and as a framework for literary and cultural analysis. The editors of Anthropoetics hope to stimulate the continuing interest in GA and to encourage productive dialogue between the humanities and the human sciences.
Amnis is a French periodical available on the web and based at the University of Western Brittany, France (UBO, Brest). Created by Severiano Rojo Hernandez, professor in the Arts faculty, its aims at providing researchers with a tool that contributes to a thorough and diversified reflection on the recent past, present and future of (East and West) European and (North, South and Central) American societies (19th to 21st centuries)
  Afrikanistik online
Afrikanistik online is a scientific journal that makes use of the advantages of the internet
• interactivity
• multimedia based presentations
• short publication period
The aim of the journal is to enhance international exchange and cooperation between scholars of different Africa-related disciplines, e.g. anthropology, theoretical and applied linguistics, literature, communication sciences.

Annual Review of Sociology
Edited by "Annual Reviews" ounded in 1936, online since 1999
"Each year, Annual Reviews critically reviews the most significant primary research literature to help you keep up to date in your area of research. Annual Reviews Saves You Time. Distinguished researchers and editors synthesize and filter the vast amount of primary research in specific disciplines to guide you to the principal contributions of the field."

Current Research in Social Psychology
Published by the Cambridge Center for Behavioral Studies
Tales of Contents 1991, Free full text articles 1999.
"Publishes innovative approaches to tackling the continuing problems of our society, and encourages authors or groups of authors to develop linked articles centered on a particular social issue."

Electronic Journal of Sociology
Published since 1994, each volume contains three or more issues with 2-5 articles each. Online discussion of papers is also possible. Note: the site does not use conventional underlined links so be sure to move your cursor around the pages to find hyperlinks. 
EJS is a refereed journal that publishes articles on any and all subjects of sociology.  Currently available materials explore the following areas: knowledge, education, identity, culture, criminology, and the Net. 

joon1.gif (13352 bytes) Estonian Social Science Online
The journal as a project has been launched with the help of the grant recieved from the Open Estonia Foundation and forms a part of the electronical resources of the Estonian Social Science Data Archive.
ESSO publishes mainly scientific
articles. In addition each issue will contain an essay on the relationship of society and social sciences and a chronicle of current events in Estonian social sciences. There is also a readers’ discussion group. Book reviews, announcements and other such things will be added in the future.
Informationsdienst soziale Indikatoren (ISI)
Der Informationsdienst Soziale Indikatoren (ISI) ist ein Beitrag zu einer regelmäßigen Sozialberichterstattung. Er wird vom Zentrum für Sozialindikatorenforschung (ZSi), GESIS - Leibniz-Institut für Sozialwissenschaften herausgegeben und inhaltlich gestaltet. 
Veröffentlicht werden vornehmlich eigene Forschungsergebnisse, daneben aber auch Beiträge von Sozialwissenschaftlern, die sich in anderen Kontexten ebenfalls mit Aspekten der Sozialberichterstattung beschäftigen. Der Informationsdienst Soziale Indikatoren wendet sich gleichermaßen an Interessenten aus Wissenschaft und Praxis. Er erscheint zweimal jährlich und will ein sachkundiges, aber nicht ausschließlich sozialwissenschaftlich geschultes Publikum über Probleme und Tendenzen der Wohlfahrtsentwicklung sowie ausgewählte Trends des sozialen Wandels informieren. Zugleich werden empirische Materialien zu aktuellen Themen der gesellschaftspolitischen Diskussion vorgelegt. Darüber hinaus informiert der Informationsdienst Soziale Indikatoren (ISI) über Aktivitäten und Ereignisse aus der Sozialindikatorenforschung und Sozialberichterstattung und bietet allen an diesen Fragen Interessierten ein Diskussionsforum.

International Scope® Review
"The INTERNATIONAL SCOPE® Review is a truly international organization, with a tripartite (European, American and Asian) Editorial Board.The INTERNATIONAL SCOPE® Review is a truly international organization, with a tripartite (European, American and Asian) Editorial Board.
The first issue has been published in June 1999. The Review publishes twice a year, in June and December."
"The INTERNATIONAL SCOPE® Review publishes pluridisciplinary research on the contemporary transformations taking place in industrial countries, in accordance to the highest standards of scientific evaluation and creative problem-solving. It covers three fields: 
- Economic Policies, Management and Capital-Labor    Relationships 

JASS:Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation
Published quarterly, in January, March, June and

September since Jan. 1998.
"The Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation is an inter-disciplinary journal for the exploration and understanding of social processes by means of computer simulation."

Journal of Mundane Behavior
Edited by Scott Schaffer/Myron Orleans Cal. State University Fullerton CA. Founded in Spring 2000.
A peer-reviewed journal that is devoted to the study of the "unmarked" -- those aspects of our everyday lives that typically go unnoticed by us, both as individuals and as academics (street scenes, routine family life, sociable occasions etc."
"And finally, we see this forum as one characterized by a sense of wonder and humor."


Reviewing Sociology
Edited by the School of Sociology, University of Central England with Department of Sociology, University of Reading. Online edition since 1996, three issues per year.
Offers a good selection of highly professional Book Reviews and Review articles.

Revue électronique de sociologie  Esprit critique
La revue Esprit critique a été fondée le 1er novembre 1999 par Jean-François Marcotte
"Notre mission: Engendrer un espace de collaboration et de communication entre les sociologues francophones de partout dans le monde. Créer un espace de réflexion pour confronter les idées sur la sociologie à l'échelle internationale. Constituer un espace de perfectionnement pour comparer les façons de faire dans différents pays afin d'enrichir la pratique de chacun. Offrir un espace de diffusion des résultats de recherche en sociologie. Favoriser une réflexion sur la rôle des sociologues dans la société."

Social Science Japan
SSJ is the newsletter published by the Information Center for Studies in Japanese Society, which was established in 1996 within the Institute of Social Science (ISS), University of Tokyo. Two or three issues an year (pdf).
The newsletter's aim is to "provide concise information in English on key people, important literature and recent developments in four fields of social science research on Japan: economics, political science, law and, to a limited extent, sociology. Topics range from law and society to economics and industry, from Japan's international relations to Japanese research on the socialist economies in transition.

Sociologie et sociétés
Fondè en 1969. Articles depuis 1969 sont disponible en version èlèctronique (pdf). Deux numéros par an.
"Sociologie et sociétés est une revue savante thématique qui fait état de la réflexion et de la recherche sociologiques au Québec et à l'étranger."

zurück zur Startseite  Soziale Systeme
"Soziale Systeme" ist eine Zeitschrift, die die Schnittstelle von Systemtheorie und soziologischer Theorie in den Blick nimmt. Dabei spielen neuere Entwicklungen in der Systemtheorie, die mit Namen wie Niklas Luhmann, Humberto Maturana und Heinz von Foerster verknüpft sind, eine wichtige Rolle. Darüber hinaus soll ein umfassendes Interesse an Entwicklungen der soziologischen Theorie gepflegt werden. Zu diesem Zweck will die Zeitschrift ein intellektuelles Spektrum fördern, das durch die Aspekte der Interdisziplinarität (Kybernetik, biologische Systemtheorie, Evolutionstheorie) einerseits und der konzeptuellen Identität der Soziologie als wissenschaftlicher Disziplin andererseits gekennzeichnet ist. "Soziale Systeme" ist offen für wissenschaftliche Texte aus allen genannten Bereichen. Manuskripte können in deutscher, englischer oder französischer Sprache eingereicht werden.

Sozionik Aktuell
Sozionikaktuell ist eine vierteljährlich erscheinende Publikation. Sie bietet allen an der Sozionik Interessierten ein Forum zur Präsentation und Diskussion. Veröffentlicht werden wissenschaftliche Aufsätze, Berichte über laufende Arbeiten, technische Beiträge sowie Abstracts aktueller Publikationen. Außerdem informiert Sozionikaktuell über relevante Veranstaltungen aus dem Kontext der Sozionik. 


Sustainability: Science, Practice and Policy   
Sustainability: Science, Practice, & Policy is a new peer-reviewed, open access journal that provides a platform for the dissemination of new practices and for dialogue emerging out of the field of sustainability.
The e-Journal fills a gap in the literature by establishing a forum for cross-disciplinary discussion of empirical and social sciences, practices, and policies related to sustainability. Sustainability will facilitate communication among scientists, practitioners, and policy makers who are investigating and shaping nature-society interactions and working towards sustainable solutions.
Theory and Science
Theory & Science is affiliated with the International Consortium for Alternative Academic Publication (ICAAP). Two issues per year since 2000.
Theory & Science welcomes the submission of papers from practitioners of any scientific discipline whose work comments on the nature of theory, science, and social change. While papers on abstruse and specialized theoretical topics are encouraged, the editor also requests that authors attempt to develop interdisciplinary "common ground."

Markus Roth

Soziologisches Institut
der Universität Zürich
Andreasstr. 15  8050 Zürich

Prof. Hans Geser

Soziologisches Institut
der Universität Zürich
Andreasstr. 15  8050 Zürich

Nora Zapata

Soziologisches Institut 
der Universität Zürich
Andreasstr. 15  8050 Zürich