University of Zurich

Sociology Institute of Zurich

Prof. Dr. Hans Geser

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The Classical Treasury: 


Founders and Pioneers of the Social Sciences

(Free Online Texts, verified in December 2022)

Adorno Theodor Works

Allport, Floyed Henry Works

Althusser, Louis Works
Angell, James Rowland Works

Aristotle: Politics

Babbage Charles: Economy of Machinery and Manufactures

Bagehot, Walter Works
Bakunin, Michael: Collected Works

Baldwin,  James Mark Works

Barthes, Roland, Elements of Semiology

Bebel August Works
Benedict, Ruth: Papers 

Benjamin, Walter Works
Bentham, Jeremy: Works
Bergson, Henry Works

Bloch, Ernst Works
Blumer, Herbert  Works

Bodin, Jean Oeuvres
Bogardus, Emory S. Works
Böhm-Bawerk, Eugen: Online Texts
Bookchin, Murray: Collected Works
Boukharine, Nicolas: La théorie du matérialisme historique

Braverman, Harry Works

Buchanan, James  Works

Bücher, Karl Werke
Burgess, Ernst W. Works
Burke, Edmund: Works

Castoriadis Cornelius Works

Childe, Gordon Works

Clausewitz, Karl von: On War
Clausewitz, Karl von: Vom Kriege.
Comte, Auguste:Oeuvres

Condillac,  Etienne Bonnot de, Oeuvres
Condorcet, Marquis de: Oeuvres
Cooley, Charles Horton: Online Texts

Dewey, John: Online Texts
deGrazia, Alfred: Works
Durkheim, Emile: Oeuvres (F)

Ellwood, Charles A. Works

Engels Friedrich Works

Eucken, Walter Die Grundlagen der Nationalökonomie
Evans-Pritchard, Edward: Oeuvres (F)

Fanon, Frantz Works

Faris, Ellsworth  Works

Ferguson,  Adam  Works

Feuerbach, Ludwig Werke

Feuerbach, Ludwig  Works
Fiske, John: Works
Fourier, F. M. C.: Various Texts

Fromm Erich Works

Gramsci, Antonio: Oeuvres (F)

Gramsci, Antonio Works

Halbwachs, Maurice: Oeuvres (F)

Hayek Friedrich A. Works

Heller, Agnes Works
Hobbes, Thomas: Works

Horkheimer, Max Works

Ibn Khaldun The Muqaddimah

James, William: Online texts

Kantor, Jacob Robert Works

Kautsky Karl Works
Keynes, John Maynard: Works
Kropotkin, Pjotr: Collected Works

Laski, Harold J. Works.
Le Bon, Gustave: Works
Lenin, Vladimir I. : Works
Lévi-Brühl, Lucien: Oeuvres (F)

List Friedrich The National System of Political Economy
Linton, Ralph: Works

Locke, John Works
Lowie, Robert: Traité de la sociologie primitive

Lukacs, Georg Works
Luxemburg, Rosa: Various Texts


Macchiavelli, Niccolo: Works
Malinowski, Bronislaw: Baloma; the Spirits of the Dead in the Trobriand Islands

Malinowski, Bronislaw: Works
Malthus, Thomas: Various Works
Maine, Henry Sumner: Ancient Law
Maine, Henry Sumner: International Law
Mannheim, Karl: Ideologie und Utopie

Mao-Tse-Tung: Internet Archive

Marcuse, Herbert Archive
Marshall, Alfred: The Principles of Economics
Marshall, Alfred: On Rent
Marx and Engels: Works
Maslow, A. H.: Motivation and Personality

Maslow A. H. A Theory of Human Motivation
Mauss, Marcel: Oeuvres (F)
Mead, George Herbert: Online Texts
Menger, Carl: On the Origins of Money
Michels, Robert: Political Parties (pdf)
Mill, John Stuart: Archive
Millar, John: The Origin of the Distinction of the Ranks
von  Mises, Ludwig: Works

de Montesquieu, Charles Louis Works
Morgan, Lewis Henry: Works

Mosca, Gaetano The Ruling Elite (pdf)

Oppenheimer, Franz Werke

Owen, Robert: Works

Pareto, Vilfredo: Works

Parsons, Talcott Works
Park, Robert Ezra Works
Plato: The Republic

Polanyi, Karl The Great Transformation
Proudhon, Pierre J.: Collected Works
Proudhon, Pierre J.: Oeuvres (F)

Quesney François: Works

Quesney François Oeuvres

Radcliffe-Brown, A. R.:  Structure et fonction dans la société primitive (F)
Ricardo, David: The Principles of Political Economy and Taxation
Ricardo, David: An Essay of Profit
Rousseau, Jean-Jacques: Works
Rousseau, Jean-Jacques: Oeuvres (F)
Rummel, R. J.: Understanding Conflict and War

Sapir, Edward Works 

Saint-Simon,, Claude-Henri de Rouvroi  Works
Say, Jean-Baptiste: A Treatise on Political Economy

Schelling, Thomas C. Workd
Sherif, Muzafer, Works
Schmoller, Gustav: The Mercantile System and its Historical Significance
Schmoller, Gustav: The Idea of Justice in Political Economy
Schmoller Gustav: Werke
Schumpeter, Joseph Werke
Seligman, Edwin: Works
Simmel Georg: Schriften im deutschen Originaltext

Simmel, Georg Works in Enlish Translation
Sismondi, Jean C. L.: Works

Small, Albion W. Works
Smith, Adam: Works

Spengler, Oswald  Werke
Spencer, Herbert: Works
Stalin, Joseph V.: Dialectical and Historical Materialism

Stouffer, Samuel A. Works

Tarde, Gabriel: Oeuvres
Taylor, Frederick W.: Works
Thomas, William Isaac: Online texts
Thorndike, Edward L: Works

Thorndike, Edward Lee Animal Intelligence (pdf)

Thurstone, Louis L. Works
de Tocqueville, Alexis:
Toennies, Ferdinand

Toynbee, Arnold A Study of History (abridgment)
Toynbee, Arnold: Lectures on the Industrial Revolution in England
Trotsky, Leon:
Various Works
Anne Robert Jacques  Oeuvres

Veblen, Thorsten: Online texts

Vygotsky, Lev Archive

Weber, Max: Online Texts
Weber, Max: Werke in Deutsch

Weber, Alfred Texts

Znaniecki Florian Works